Rotterdam’s post-war expansion of Overschie had been often named breeding ground of the large-scala system duiding. The districts were designed under the supervision of urban designer Lotte Stam-Beese
- Neighborhoods
Rotterdam’s post-war expansion of Overschie had been often named breeding ground of the large-scala system duiding. The districts were designed under the supervision of urban designer Lotte Stam-Beese
Residential districts were built rapidly on the edges of the city after World War II. Pendrecht is the best known of the southern garden suburbs (Pendrecht, Zuidwijk, Lombardijen, IJsselmonde) in terms of architecture and urban design.
With the bombardment of Rotterdam, attention always focuses on the destruction of the city centre. Likewise, with post-war reconstruction, attention tends to concentrate on the new city centre. But the district of Kralingen was hit just as severely, certainly in terms of homes destroyed. A western wind fanned the flames caused by the bombardment deep into this district to the east of the city centre.
In het na-oorlogse Kralingen komt vooral veel woningbouw. De eisen aan deze woningen zijn hoog.
Het Coolhaveneiland kreeg in het begin van de twintigste eeuw zijn vorm. Aan de zuidkant was de Westzeedijk doorgetrokken richting Delfshaven en aan de noord- en westkant kwam de Coolhaven met de Parksluizen, die in 1932 klaar was. Veel havengerelateerde bedrijven vestigden zich in dit, van het centrum afgescheiden, gebied.
Because of an erroneous bombardment at 31 March 1943 the Tussendijken district turned into an inferno. After the war no attention whatsoever was paid to the bombardment of Rotterdam-West. Therefor it is known as the Forgotten Bombardment,
Central District as the name for the area between Weena and the railway tracks was only introduced after the emergence of the major redevelopment plans for Centraal Station and its immediate surroundings around the turn of the millennium.
Baankwartier is the district bounded by Schiedamse Vest to the west, Vasteland to the south, Leuvehaven to the east and Westblaak to the north. Most of this district was destroyed by the bombardment of May 1940. To the west of Baankwartier lies the Cool district, a small part of which was destroyed by the bombardment. Traffic widening measures on Westblaak in the 1960s led to further demolition. Both districts are closely interconnected, so it makes sense to discuss their post-war reconstruction together.
The Zomerhof District, now often referred to as ZoHo, is roughly the area bordered by Schiekade to the south-west, Teilingerstraat to the north-west, Noordsingel to the north-east and Hofplein and Pompenburg to the south-east.