• Articles

Article on Archined: Build Ukraine back together – A call for exchange and creating networks

Based on the insights of the public conversation series Restart Ukraine x Rotterdam started at the Opbouwdagen in May, Hedwig van der Linden and Oksana Tkachenko wrote an article on Archined about what Dutch professionals can do to help Ukraine build back together.

Article on Archined: Build Ukraine back together – A call for exchange and creating networks

Mariupol April 24, 2022 / screenshot website UADamage

UADamage website

While the war in Europe is still an everyday reality, people around the world are starting to think about the rebuilding of Ukraine. This weekend, for example, University College London is hosting an online symposium about the reconstruction of Ukraine. In the article published on Archined, Hedwig van der Linden and Oleksandra Tkachenko explore how the Dutch professional community of urbanists, planners and architects could help Ukraine to build back its cities together and better.

This text is based on the insights of the public conversation ‘REstart Ukraine x Rotterdam / РEстарт Україну x Роттердам’ on 20 May 2022 in Rotterdam – the start of a series of events in which experts from Ukraine and the Netherlands explore different approaches to re-imagining Ukrainian cities at Independent School for the City. Post-War Reconstruction Community Rotterdam is happy to have contributed to this article.

Read the full article.

The story of
Hedwig van der Linden and Oleksandra Tkachenko